Monday 30 January 2017

Some critical controls to secure and protect your environment from Ransomeware attacks

Below are some of the controls you can consider to protect your environment from Ransomeware attacks:
  • User Training
    • Identify phishing
      • Train your users to be able to identify phishing attacks
    • How to handle attachments
      • Block executable and compressed zip files
      • Train your users about Macros and risky files
  • Incident procedures
    • Be prepared and have an incident response plan for Ransomeware attacks
  • Protecting the PC
    • Blocking emails
      • Use security controls, email gateways, AVs, sandboxing, etc
    • Restriction on Group Policies and Firewalls
      • Block risky applications like Flash
      • Block Proxies like Tor
      • Block websites with low or no rating
      • Block download capability from low rating websites, bittorents, public file shares
  • Limiting User Rights
    • Do not allow privileged access to the workstations
    • Execute application whitelisting when possible
  • Revisiting Mapped Drives
    • Minimize user access to what is needed
  • Protecting the Server and Backups
    • Securing File Locations
      • Secure file shares, file servers, storages and the permissions on them
    • Backup Data
      • Backup data regularly and review and verify on regular bases
  • Integrity monitoring
    • Use File integrity monitoring solutions (FIM)

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