Thursday 5 January 2017

Types of penetration attacks on computer networks and systems

Reference: Ethical Hacking and Penetration with Kali Linux

There are number of different attacks that can be done on a network or system. The main categories are explained below:

Full penetration

Taking full control of the system and accessing the resources and data. This is a very complex and difficult task and requires spending a long time investigating the vulnerabilities and ways to access a system.

Denial of Service

Interrupting the system’s operation and affecting the users. This is usually an easier type of attack which can be achieved with spending less time and effort, however; can be a big problem in big organizations.

Specific Information

Theft or disclosure of the documents or information. This could be accessing documents or penetrating a database but usually attacker is looking for some specific information and not interested in damaging any system.

Social Engineering

The art of manipulating people so they give up confidential information. This is perhaps the easiest way of attacking and won’t require any technical knowledge. Attacker will usually use the users, administrators or employees to get the information out of them and use those information to penetrate the systems.

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